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Brennan Carlyle
UI/UX - Game Design - Art
Home // Concept Art & 3D Modelling

Dragon Sword - In-game

3D Composition - Ghost Shell

Dragon Sword - Final Render

Dragon Sword - In-game
Concept Art & 3D Modelling
During my time at Bradley, I took a Game Art class, in which I was able to learn the basics of 3D modeling, and ultimately, overall how to create a game-ready asset for both the Unity and Unreal engines. Such skills that I learned and utilized in the various projects I worked on while in Game Art were:
Using Adobe Photoshop to create concept art, and the stages associated with this process
Drafting different perspective views of the asset in question for conception, such as orthographic perspectives
Learning how to use a variety of platforms/programs effectively in a minimal amount of time for asset creation
Using Maya & Blender to create 3D models for both initial and final design stages
Polishing and detailing models within Zbrush
Re-topologize detailed models to lower poly-count for better in-game performance, and create UV maps for texturing
Use Substance painter or Photoshop to create textures, and apply them to the respective model
Import finalized model and textures to game engine, such as Unity, Unreal, or Creation Kit
Listed below are some of the projects I worked on with these skills in mind. Check them out!
Dragon Sword
For the final project of my Game Art class, I used the skills I had learned up to that point to create a game-ready asset, specifically either a "dragon-sword", or a "post-apocalypse sword". I was able to take whatever creative liberties I wished, so long as the final product matched this criteria.
After creating the model and textures, I then learned how to implement my work into a weapon mod for "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim". The mod is free, so long as you own Skyrim and the Vortex mod manager. You can download the mod here.
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