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Neon Oblivion - User Experience

As well as working on the User Interface for Neon Oblivion, I also undertook a lot of work on documenting the user experience side of the project. Some of this work relates to: 
  • Establishing a user-base/demographic relating to the type of project being developed and what the users for it want/need
  • Creating Personas to reflect and showcase examples of said user-base and their desires/frustrations
  • Creating wireframes and flows of both the menu interface/navigation and the in-game Heads Up Display (HUD) interface
  • Organizing and undertaking user-testing sessions in order to get direct user feedback
  • Collating and summarizing results from the playtest sessions in order to hone in on frustrations/desires expressed by the users 
  • Designing with a user-centered approach based on user feedback 
You can view examples of this process by checking out the links below. 


As Neon Oblivion was developed with a certain demographic in mind, it was important for me to begin drafting personas in order to showcase our user-base in a way that would help identify things to focus on for further development. 
HUD Basics.png


Once our user-base was established and user feedback for the project was documented, it was pertinent to begin designing both the menus (Main Menu, Pause Menu, Options Menus, etc) and the player HUD in order to build an intuitive menu navigation system, and iconography that the player would be able to understand. 

User Testing 

Though the entirety of Neon Oblivion was worked on remotely by the team at large, it was still my job to make sure that the team was getting the feedback we needed to keep moving forward. Through Zoom, I was able to organize and undertake playtest sessions with users that fit our demographic, and get their direct feedback through an interview process. 
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